General Information (a) Please specify clearly the job vacancies you are applying for by USING THE JOB VACANCY LABELS AVAILABLE on our Website. Applications that do not specify the applied job vacancies using the respective Job Vacancy Labels will not be considered. (b) Please ensure that you meet the advertised criteria in terms of qualifications and work experience. Applications that do not meet the advertised criteria will not be considered. (c) Please ensure that all information and details you provide in this application form are ACCURATE AND UP-TO-DATE especially your PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS. (d) Job applications WITHOUT submission of TEMD application form will not be considered. (e) For applicants that are bonded, please ensure that a Bond Release Letter is enclosed with your application. Otherwise, your application will not be considered. (f) Please enclose the below documents with your application. Applications with missing required documents will not be considered.
(g) TEMD Office will not entertain any physical submission of application form. All application forms should be submitted to TEMD office VIA EMAIL ONLY at (h) Please label your Application Form as per our description below:
Jobs at TEMD 2020